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Vitamin Pills
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Your body requires biotin to properly metabolise lipids, carbs, and the amino acids that make up protein. Many hair and skin care products contain biotin, which is frequently advised for boosting the strength of the hair and nails. It is water soluble, like all B vitamins, thus the body does not store it.

Biotin is used for biotin difciency. It is also frequently used to treat other diseases including brittle nails and hair loss, although there isn't any solid scientific proof to back these claims. Some lab tests may be affected by biotin supplementation. If you need any blood tests and are taking biotin supplements, discuss it with your doctor.    


Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a critical component of the B vitamin complex. In combination with the other B vitamins, biotin helps your body process energy, as well as supporting the quality of hair, skin and nails. Biotin also appears to support balanced blood sugar in people who have type 2 diabetes, this is because diabetes patients have lower biotin levels than the normal person. However, when biotin and chromium were combined and given to patients with type 2 diabetes, the researchers saw a reduction in blood sugar levels. This vitamin may also support the cardiovascular system via reducing triglyceride levels, which may prevent various forms of heart disease. This vitamin also reduces LDL-C cholesterol levels, which reduces your risk of atherosclerosis.

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